By using various FASCIQ® foam rollers specific trigger points can be treated and the muscle will be able to relax. Trigger points are knots in a muscle that can lead to poor functioning of the muscle. They cause tissue tension and poor perfusion, which can cause injuries and strains. In order to keep the body and muscles flexible, THYSOL offers a line of FASCIQ® foam rollers that can be used for myofascial release.

How to use FASCIQ® Foam Rollers
Foam rollers are used for:
- Increase the range of motion (mobility).
- Improve tissue perfusion.
- Increase muscle strength.
- Stimulate or sedate muscles.
- Reduce muscle pain.
- Ensure proper tissue hydration.
- Release muscle knots (trigger points).
“Great product and excellent service!!”
– Carolyn Rowe, the Lymph Place