THYSOL USA is the trusted reseller of CureTape Punch®, which is produced in THYSOL’s own factory in South Korea. Because we control the production process, we can guarantee the high quality of the CureTape Punch® product.
What is CureTape Punch®?
CureTape Punch® is a specialised kinesiology tape adapted from standard CureTape®. This specially developed and patented kinesiotape has a unique hole pattern giving the tape far greater elasticity allowing the tape to affect the skin properties three-dimensionally.

Properties of CureTape Punch®
High-quality product, without added medication
- Elastic cotton tape with a stretchability of 130 to 140% (similar properties to human skin)
- Unique pattern of holes through which the tape has a greater stretch capacity and the working direction is three-dimensional
- Hypoallergenic 100% acrylic adhesive layer applied according to a wave pattern
- Adherence is activated under the influence of body heat
- tape is stretchable in the length
- Increased lymphatic drainage effect
- Air and water permeable but resistant to water (showering, swimming)
- CureTape® Punch adheres for several days to the skin, which makes for a unique 24-hour treatment
- CureTape® Punch can be used in combination with CureTape® and Crosslinq®.
How CureTape Punch works
Unlike standard CureTape®, CureTape Punch® has a unique hole pattern. The skin and the fascia may be stimulated within the area of the openings of the Cure Tape Punch®. In addition, the skin has more opportunity to ventilate. Skin and fascia stretch effects are achieved affecting different body systems, such as the neuro lymphatic and endorfinerge analgesic system that provides pain relief. CureTape Punch® here is an extremely effective tool.
The displayed image shows functional differences between CureTape® (top) and CureTape Punch® (below).

Application areas of CureTape Punch:
Experienced tapers use CureTape Punch® in the following applications:
- On nerves: the diagonal elasticity nerve receives extra stimulus (such as nerve appearance and constrictions)
- For stroke patients, improved response by the additional stimulation of the hole pattern
- The lymphatic system gets additional impetus making this variant of CureTape® very suitable for acute injuries, swelling and hematoma.
- Scar reduction
- Reducing fibrosis in the connective tissue
- Influencing the Principal Meridian in the back
- Pain minimization
- Influencing the Fascia
- And much more
CureTape Punch® productrange
CureTape Punch
Available colours
: 5 cm x 5 m
: 6 rolls in 1 box
: beige – blue – pink – black – orange
Shop CureTape Punch online
Increasing numbers of experienced tapers use CureTape Punch® during their treatments. You can easily purchase CureTape Punch in the shop.
Note: Please note that the specified tape applications and information on our website about the opportunities in the Medical Taping Concept, have not yet been scientifically proven. The statements and examples cited are based on long term experiences of patients and skilled therapists.