THYSOL is the market leader throughout Europe, supplying its products to both the medical industry and patients alike, now available in the USA. Most, if not all of our competitors world wide have product made by another supplier and re-badge their product. THYSOL is among the very few that has the control over the production facilities. This ensures THYSOL has complete control during the manufacturing process guaranteeing high quality production. This also allows us to be extremely innovative in supplying a variety of new products.
These standards and the brands below are the foundation of the company;
- CureTape®, a range of medical level human tape products.
- VetkinTape®, a veterinary kinesiology tape.
- FASCIQ®, a range of fascia massage tools
Having conducted over 15,000 courses world wide to date, THYSOL continues to train medical profressionals how to use their products through MTC®.
MTC® or Medical Training Concept are a series of cousres that specialise in teaching health care professionals how to best use THYSOL’s extensive range of health aids to the benefit of the patient vis a series of detailed educational courses and workshops.

THYSOL Group BV (Netherlands) is proud to have established a US based Settlement. With over 20 years of experience distributing professional kinesiology tape & more, THYSOL USA intend to supply only the highest quality products. All USA orders are processed and shipped by Amazon. This opens up opportunities for THYSOL USA, which has grown to a leading educational leader, supplier and wholesaler of fascia massage tools and kinesiology tape in the US.

Our Vision
At THYSOL, our aim is to enable both therapist and patient alike to gain easy access to affordable innovative treatment methods and products to prevent “immobility” and promote optimum health.
Our Mission
As a leading tape company, we provide the facilities, products and trained personnel to deliver state-of-the-art medical devices and services that enable people and animals to live life to the fullest. Through open dialogue with our global distributors, clients and patients we gather insights that help us continue to improve and adapt both our MTC® courses and products for the benefit of people the globe over.
Our philosophy is that our products in combination with the right application should help, support and speed-up the recovery of the body.
History of THYSOL Group BV
THYSOL Group BV is a joint venture of between TapeConcept Ltd. and FysioTape B.V. These are both active entities in the medical device industry, supplying and selling kinesiology tapes.
TapeConcept Ltd.
TapeConcept Ltd. Has previously distributed and sold brands produced by FysioTape in the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia. Like FysioTape, TapeConcept Ltd. saw the need to educate professionals in the correct use of Kinesiology tape and associated aids. It established and rolled out the educational institute MTC®, which has resulted in a strong network of local instructors teaching medical professionals how to use the CureTape® and FASCIQ® range of products. An amalgamation of both entities has created a perfect fit regarding production, R&D, distribution and training for THYSOLS vision globally.
THYSOL is now active in more than 80 countries via local distributors, who locally provide kinesiology tape and organize MTC courses.
FysioTape B.V.
We were the first to the MTC® (Medical Taping Concept) in Europe, creating a taping method that is used in virtually all countries world-wide. Since 2003, we have produced our own high quality kinesiology tape branded CureTape®. This tape is now Europe’s most widely used kinesiotape in the professional market. The brand CureTape® is produced in our own factory in South Korea. This means that we closely monitor the production process. This is also why we can guarantee such a high quality product for our customers. We work with the latest equipment and the factory is ISO 9001 certified.

The international CureTape website
CureTape® is also sold worldwide via a large dealer network. Here you can also find more information about the product CureTape® in different languages.